10:00 AM10:15 AM10:30 AM10:45 AM11:00 AM11:15 AM11:30 AM11:45 AM12:00 PM12:15 PM12:30 PM12:45 PM1:00 PM1:15 PM1:30 PM1:45 PM2:00 PM2:15 PM2:30 PM2:45 PM3:00 PM3:15 PM3:30 PM3:45 PM4:00 PM4:15 PM4:30 PM4:45 PM
Host: HarmonyCon
HarmonyCon Talent Show
sunday @ 11:00 AM-12:00 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
Show off your skills at Harmonycon's first ever Talent Show! Whether you sing, dance, play an instrument, or have a unique talent, this is your opportunity to shine on stage. Support your fellow con goers while they perform in front of our panel of judges! Enjoy an afternoon of amazing performances that highlight the diverse talents of our fandom!
The Pony Awards
HarmonyCon Talent Show
Click for more info!
Host: HarmonyCon
Charity Auction
sunday @ 12:30 PM-3:00 PM (150 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
Come join the annual HarmonyCon charity auction as we raise money for our charity partner, Equality Texas! Check out and bid on unique and interesting items donated by guests and attendees. Any donations should be brought to con ops by 11:00 am on Sunday.
The Pony Awards
Charity Auction
Click for more info!
Host: HarmonyCon
Closing Ceremonies
sunday @ 3:00 PM-4:00 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
All good things must come to an end. Come join us and all your friends from throughout the weekend as we say goodbye and wrap up HarmonyCon 2025!
The Pony Awards
Closing Ceremonies
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Crystal Empire Theatre
Host: DoTheDaringDew
The Good, The Bad, & The Pony With The Party Cannon
sunday @ 10:00 AM-11:00 AM (60 minutes)
Room: Crystal Empire Theatre (Cumberland IJK)
Wanna watch a crazy storytelling game? This is the place for that! Watch the almighty D20 influence just how crazy of a pony story we wind up with as Dewie and the other panelists must work together to tell one crazy story after the next, all influenced by the D20!
The Pony Awards
The Good, The Bad, & The Pony With The Party Cannon
Click for more info!
Host: ajnrules
Talking Points is Magic
sunday @ 11:15 AM-12:15 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Crystal Empire Theatre (Cumberland IJK)
Come have some fun as we gather to play the Jackbox game "Talking Points." Come watch people give speeches about ponies but they have no idea what the slides will be. Hilarity is bound to happen when nobody knows what's coming next, least of all the speechmaker
The Pony Awards
Talking Points is Magic
Click for more info!
Host: Silver Quill
After the Fact Live! Swarm of the Century
sunday @ 12:30 PM-1:30 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Crystal Empire Theatre (Cumberland IJK)
It's everypony for themselves as the Parasprites roll into town! Join Silver Quill for a look at this season one episode. Expect gags, quips, and maybe a moment of insight. Q&A to follow after the presentation!
The Pony Awards
After the Fact Live! Swarm of the Century
Click for more info!
Host: Koa
Coltchella Musicians Meet & Greet
sunday @ 1:45 PM-2:45 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Crystal Empire Theatre (Cumberland IJK)
Come meet the Coltchella musicians!
The Pony Awards
Coltchella Musicians Meet & Greet
Click for more info!
Broadhorse Theatre
Host: Evershade
Modern Brony Music
sunday @ 11:45 AM-12:45 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Broadhorse Theatre (Cumberland EF)
There's so much fandom music getting released every day! With many new songs frequently appearing, it can be difficult to keep up and know what to listen to! Come participate as we show you the different resources you can use to find your new favorite fandom tunes and help us pick out which songs we listen to during the panel!
The Pony Awards
Modern Brony Music
Click for more info!
Host: Nevaylin
If You Get a Question Wrong, a Panelist Leaves
sunday @ 1:00 PM-1:30 PM (30 minutes)
Room: Broadhorse Theatre (Cumberland EF)
A trivia game with the highest stakes of any other My Little Pony convention panel: If any questions are answered incorrectly, a panelist will leave.
The Pony Awards
If You Get a Question Wrong, a Panelist Leaves
Click for more info!
Host: zenith
Bronies Remember
sunday @ 1:45 PM-2:45 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Broadhorse Theatre (Cumberland EF)
Join Zenith and Onyx on a fun and nostalgia-driven trip down FiM memory lane!
The Pony Awards
Bronies Remember
Click for more info!
Horsefeld Theatre
Host: Evershade
Who is Best Pony?
sunday @ 10:00 AM-11:00 AM (60 minutes)
Room: Horsefeld Theatre (Cumberland L)
We've been arguing for over a decade, so it is time for HarmonyCon to decide who is the best MLP character! Your vote in this 64-character tournament helps decide the winner!
The Pony Awards
Who is Best Pony?
Click for more info!
Host: Nevaylin
PowerPoint Pony Party
sunday @ 11:15 AM-12:15 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Horsefeld Theatre (Cumberland L)
A bunch of informative and curated PowerPoints being presented by a very NOT informative cast of silly horse people.
The Pony Awards
PowerPoint Pony Party
Click for more info!
Host: Jack (Scootertrix)
How to fix Ponies with iPhones
sunday @ 12:30 PM-1:30 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Horsefeld Theatre (Cumberland L)
Do you hate the idea of ponies with iphones? Tablets? Social media? Not after this panel you won't. ;)
The Pony Awards
How to fix Ponies with iPhones
Click for more info!
Host: CaptainHoers
Science Fiction, Cyberpunk, Ponies and You - Sunjackers Panel
sunday @ 1:45 PM-2:45 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Horsefeld Theatre (Cumberland L)
CaptainHoers talks about his longrunning Sunjackers comic, cyberpunk as a genre more generally, and why even get in your perfectly good ponies in the first place. Live video essay.
The Pony Awards
Science Fiction, Cyberpunk, Ponies and You - Sunjackers Panel
Click for more info!
Graumare's Chineighs Theatre
Host: OceanBreeze
Kandi/Friendship Bracelet Making
sunday @ 10:00 AM-11:00 AM (60 minutes)
Room: Graumare's Chineighs Theatre (Cumberland GH)
Hey Parents of Lil Kids!!!!! Bring your kiddos by to make some Kandi/Friendship bracelets! All supplies will be provided so stop on by!
The Pony Awards
Kandi/Friendship Bracelet Making
Click for more info!
Host: fannytastical
DIY Badge Exchange
sunday @ 11:15 AM-1:15 PM (120 minutes)
Room: Graumare's Chineighs Theatre (Cumberland GH)
Have you ever wanted a badge of your OC or wanted to add another one to your collection? Come to the DIY Badge Exchange where you'll be randomly assigned to draw an attendee's badge and exchange them at the end! Supplies will be provided and all art skill levels welcome.
The Pony Awards
DIY Badge Exchange
Click for more info!
Host: DoTheDaringDew
Pony the Interruption
sunday @ 1:30 PM-2:45 PM (75 minutes)
Room: Graumare's Chineighs Theatre (Cumberland GH)
Based on the ESPN show "Pardon the Interruption," the audience decides what we discuss! Drawing from cards with subjects the crowd writes down, we will take turns drawing at random of all sorts of horse subjects to discuss. Once we select a subject, we set a timer for three minutes and spend that time discussing the topic. Once the timer goes off, we stop and draw again. Lather, rinse, repeat!
The Pony Awards
Pony the Interruption
Click for more info!
Host: Crackle's Cousin Cosplay
Buckball Tournament
sunday @ 10:00 AM-11:30 AM (90 minutes)
Room: Autograph Room
Official Buckball Tournament. Bring a team, join a team, or cheer them on. Fun for all skill levels. No experience needed. Medals awarded to the top teams! Fun had by all!
The Pony Awards
Buckball Tournament
Click for more info!
Host: HarmonyCon
Autographs for all VIPs
sunday @ 12:15 PM-1:15 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Autograph Room
Autographs for all VIPs
The Pony Awards
Autographs for all VIPs
Click for more info!
Host: HarmonyCon
Vendor Hall
sunday @ 10:00 AM-4:00 PM (360 minutes)
Room: Vendor Hall
Shop for all your favorite pony merchandise!
The Pony Awards
Vendor Hall
Click for more info!
Host: Wind Requiem
Mario Party Jamboree
sunday @ 10:00 AM-1:00 PM (180 minutes)
Room: Videogames
Play among multiple boards in a 4 player free for all, playing minigames and rolling dice to purchase stars and come on up top in the newest game in the series!
The Pony Awards
Mario Party Jamboree
Click for more info!
Host: Eliwood Sain
Player's Choice
sunday @ 10:00 AM-12:00 PM (120 minutes)
Room: Tabletop
Pick one of the above RPGs or another from The File Of Good Stuff
The Pony Awards
Player's Choice
Click for more info!
Host: Undead_Rattler
Player's Choice #2
sunday @ 1:00 PM-4:00 PM (180 minutes)
Room: Tabletop
Choose anything in my collection you'd like to try and we'll play it together!
The Pony Awards
Player's Choice #2
Click for more info!
Host: Undead_Rattler
Unbound RPG
sunday @ 10:00 AM-12:00 PM (120 minutes)
Room: Tabletop*
A roleplaying game with a twist: the players and the gm create the world, the plot, and the adversaries during character creation.
The Pony Awards
Unbound RPG
Click for more info!