11:00 AM11:15 AM11:30 AM11:45 AM12:00 PM12:15 PM12:30 PM12:45 PM1:00 PM1:15 PM1:30 PM1:45 PM2:00 PM2:15 PM2:30 PM2:45 PM3:00 PM3:15 PM3:30 PM3:45 PM4:00 PM4:15 PM4:30 PM4:45 PM5:00 PM5:15 PM5:30 PM5:45 PM6:00 PM6:15 PM6:30 PM6:45 PM7:00 PM7:15 PM7:30 PM7:45 PM8:00 PM8:15 PM8:30 PM8:45 PM9:00 PM9:15 PM9:30 PM9:45 PM10:00 PM10:15 PM10:30 PM10:45 PM11:00 PM11:15 PM11:30 PM11:45 PM12:00 AM12:15 AM12:30 AM12:45 AM1:00 AM1:15 AM1:30 AM1:45 AM2:00 AM2:15 AM2:30 AM
Host: HarmonyCon
friday @ 11:30 AM-12:30 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
Join us in Mane Events for our HarmonyCon 2025 kickoff!!! (Also, rawr >:3)
The Pony Awards
Click for more info!
Host: Minty Root
Bright Eyes in the Thunderclouds: The Official Premiere
friday @ 12:45 PM-1:15 PM (30 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
The official premiere of the animated remake of Project Thundercloud, a fully animated 15 minutes long short film about Derpy Hooves having to save Equestria from a mysterious storm.
The Pony Awards
Bright Eyes in the Thunderclouds: The Official Premiere
Click for more info!
Host: Bobby Seas
Trivia Trot 2: The Second One
friday @ 1:30 PM-3:00 PM (90 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
Back by no demand, Trivia Trot makes its (not so) triumphant return, better(?) than ever! Join Bobby Seas and eight of our community guests as they compete to earn the title of Trivia Trot Champions, and hopefully not go over time like last year! With brand new categories and returning favorites, who knows what will happen in the second episode? Join us and find out!
The Pony Awards
Trivia Trot 2: The Second One
Click for more info!
Host: Thoth Penswell
friday @ 3:15 PM-4:15 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
Just when you thought it was safe to watch pony cartoons again...a bunch of jerks from New Jersey found THE WORST ONES imaginable! Join the RiffPonies crew of Thoth Penswell and a slew of other special Community Guest stars as they take you on an epic journey through some of THE WORST My Little Pony cartoons they can find and brutally mock them for your enjoyment! From decades gone by to current day, jeer and suffer through the worst of Equine animation & more along with the rest of your friends!
The Pony Awards
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Host: HarmonyCon
friday @ 4:30 PM-7:00 PM (150 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3?
The Pony Awards
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Host: HarmonyCon
Pit Crew
friday @ 7:30 PM-8:00 PM (30 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
The Pony Awards
Pit Crew
Click for more info!
Host: HarmonyCon
friday @ 8:00 PM-9:00 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
The Pony Awards
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Host: HarmonyCon
4everfreebrony x Luna Jax
friday @ 9:00 PM-9:45 PM (45 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
The Pony Awards
4everfreebrony x Luna Jax
Click for more info!
Host: HarmonyCon
My Little Romance
friday @ 9:45 PM-10:45 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
The Pony Awards
My Little Romance
Click for more info!
Host: HarmonyCon
Step 2 Harmony
friday @ 10:45 PM-11:00 PM (15 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
The Pony Awards
Step 2 Harmony
Click for more info!
Host: HarmonyCon
Pony House Mafia
friday @ 12:15 AM-1:15 AM (60 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
The Pony Awards
Pony House Mafia
Click for more info!
Host: HarmonyCon
friday @ 1:15 AM-1:45 AM (30 minutes)
Room: Mane Events
The Pony Awards
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Crystal Empire Theatre
Host: GatorGoatJohnny
Cutting Half the Track List
friday @ 1:00 PM-2:30 PM (90 minutes)
Room: Crystal Empire Theatre (Cumberland IJK)
There are ~115 songs in "Friendship is Magic". To make room for more music, Princess Celestia has issued an ultimatum to our panelists: 50 songs can be saved for posterity, while the rest will be thrown into the sun, never to be heard from again. It's up to our panelists to make some tough calls!
The Pony Awards
Cutting Half the Track List
Click for more info!
Host: Snowy Charm
Let's Make Harmony!
friday @ 2:45 PM-3:45 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Crystal Empire Theatre (Cumberland IJK)
The Pit Crew are going to write a new song with your suggestions and play it on main stage! What's the theme? Which pony? It's up to you!
The Pony Awards
Let's Make Harmony!
Click for more info!
Host: Geominations
Jeopardy!: My Little Pony Edition
friday @ 4:15 PM-5:45 PM (90 minutes)
Room: Crystal Empire Theatre (Cumberland IJK)
Do you think you're an expert at all things pony related? Do you think you know the fandom like the back of your hoof? Well, if that's the case, you won't want to miss Jeopardy!: My Little Pony Edition! Based off of America's Favorite Quiz Show "Jeopardy!", you, yes YOU, may be able to compete against others in answering trivia-based questions about MLP and its fandom, and potentially even win a prize in the process.
The Pony Awards
Jeopardy!: My Little Pony Edition
Click for more info!
Host: Banquo0
Ponify That Movie!
friday @ 6:00 PM-7:00 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Crystal Empire Theatre (Cumberland IJK)
Do you like My Little Pony? Do you like movies?? Us too! Join our colorful cast of equine and film aficionados as they try to decipher movie plots being depicted exclusively through MLP! Play along as the audience to see if you can emerge victorious over our star-studded panelists!
The Pony Awards
Ponify That Movie!
Click for more info!
Host: Silver Screen
Fallout Equestria: The Animated Series
friday @ 7:15 PM-8:45 PM (90 minutes)
Room: Crystal Empire Theatre (Cumberland IJK)
Wasteland Productions is coming out live to all our residents of the Wasteland with news on an upcoming, new animated series based off of the beloved fanfic from Kkat. We will show you the project, reveal new content, and introduce the team! You won't want to miss this!
The Pony Awards
Fallout Equestria: The Animated Series
Click for more info!
Host: FormulaPony
Name That Frame! A Pony Trivia Game
friday @ 9:00 PM-10:00 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Crystal Empire Theatre (Cumberland IJK)
Name That Frame! returns to HarmonyCon for its 2nd year bringing new twists and turns. Watch our contestants test their memories of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, frame by frame. Plus, have a chance to win a prize of your very own by competing in our audience rounds. See how well you know the show and Name That Frame!
The Pony Awards
Name That Frame! A Pony Trivia Game
Click for more info!
Host: Rytex
Whooves Line Is It Anyway?
friday @ 10:15 PM-11:45 PM (90 minutes)
Room: Crystal Empire Theatre (Cumberland IJK)
The audience participation sensation that grips the pony nation is back once again because the con just can't get rid of us! Come out for ninety minutes of improvization games and skits, and even join in if you feel like it! We guarantee a barrel of laughs by the end of the panel or your money back (offer not valid in any countries)!
The Pony Awards
Whooves Line Is It Anyway?
Click for more info!
Host: Harmonight
Pony Tales Lost as a Curse Word: A Brony's Guide to MLP Grimdark
friday @ 12:00 AM-1:00 AM (60 minutes)
Room: Crystal Empire Theatre (Cumberland IJK)
Come one, come all (if you dare)! As you will be able to learn about the spooky side of My Little Pony fanfiction. Will this panel have an ending as sweet as "Cupcakes", or will friendship be more tragic than magic? The choice is yours every-pony.
The Pony Awards
Pony Tales Lost as a Curse Word: A Brony's Guide to MLP Grimdark
Click for more info!
Broadhorse Theatre
Host: CaptainHoers
Animation Horror Picture Show - Tales of Animation Gone Wrong
friday @ 12:45 PM-1:45 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Broadhorse Theatre (Cumberland EF)
Animation is a monument to mankind's hubris. CaptainHoers regales over a decade of trials and tribulations of wrangling pixels into motion against their will.
The Pony Awards
Animation Horror Picture Show - Tales of Animation Gone Wrong
Click for more info!
Host: HarmonyCon
Singing in Character with Shannon, Kazumi, & Rena
friday @ 2:15 PM-3:15 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Broadhorse Theatre (Cumberland EF)
You can't have a musical without songs, and the wonderful singing voices of Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Sapphire Shores know all about what it takes to perform as an animated pony (or a Berry Buddy, or a Siren, a lowly pirate). Is there something you want to know about voice acting, singing, etc? There will be a Q&A so you can find out!
The Pony Awards
Singing in Character with Shannon, Kazumi, & Rena
Click for more info!
Host: HarmonyCon
How Comics Come to Life with Tony & Jeremy
friday @ 3:30 PM-4:30 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Broadhorse Theatre (Cumberland EF)
Dive into comics new and old with two of the great industry pros - Tony Fleecs and Jeremy Whitley. Hear about how your favorite (or soon to be favorite!) comic books were designed. Whether you have been reading for a while or even not at all, you will leave with a deeper appreciation for this way of storytelling!
The Pony Awards
How Comics Come to Life with Tony & Jeremy
Click for more info!
Host: Pony Town
Pony Town's Something Social
friday @ 4:45 PM-5:45 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Broadhorse Theatre (Cumberland EF)
Come join our panelists, who are part of the Pony Town team, as they take a deep dive into Pony Town culture and content creation. We will explain how the game works, talk about the people who make it possible, and how HarmonyCon itself was built into the game for those who could not attend in person. There will also be a Q&A for all your Pony Town questions!
The Pony Awards
Pony Town's Something Social
Click for more info!
Host: TaylorBMcardle
The Best Thing About MLP Bracket
friday @ 6:00 PM-7:00 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Broadhorse Theatre (Cumberland EF)
Ever wonder what has been the best thing to come out of MLP? Well you the audience have the power to decide what is indeed the best by voting in this new and very wacky bracket that can range from pony episodes, music, community guests, panels etc. You never know what will go against what!
The Pony Awards
The Best Thing About MLP Bracket
Click for more info!
Host: C.H. Starfighter
Flying in Formation: The similarities in the Pegasi of Equestria and Human Aviation
friday @ 8:30 PM-9:30 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Broadhorse Theatre (Cumberland EF)
Calling all pegasi! Curious about flying or already doing it? This panel will showcase several examples of the similarities and differences between the Pegasi of Equestria and Human Aviation on Earth. You can also learn how to join us in the sky!
The Pony Awards
Flying in Formation: The similarities in the Pegasi of Equestria and Human Aviation
Click for more info!
Host: Geominations
2 Ponies, 1 Lie
friday @ 10:15 PM-11:15 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Broadhorse Theatre (Cumberland EF)
"2 truths and a lie" is an icebreaker game nearly everyone has heard about, but have you ever seen the ponified version of it? If not, then you should stop by and experience 2 Ponies, 1 Lie! Join Bobby Seas, DoTheDaringDew, TaylorBMcardle, and Nevaylin, as they try and determine which bits of MLP trivia are real, and which ones are completely made up.
The Pony Awards
2 Ponies, 1 Lie
Click for more info!
Host: DoTheDaringDew
Convention Stories
friday @ 11:30 PM-12:30 AM (60 minutes)
Room: Broadhorse Theatre (Cumberland EF)
We have all been very fortunate to have some amazing conventions over the years! One of the greatest parts of this reality is all of the wonderful stories we have been able to make over the years. Come join some convention veterans as they share a handful of the tales from over the last decade of pony cons!
The Pony Awards
Convention Stories
Click for more info!
Horsefeld Theatre
Host: Pinkaboo
What's Your Favorite Pony's Favorite Musical
friday @ 12:30 PM-1:15 PM (45 minutes)
Room: Horsefeld Theatre (Cumberland L)
The first half will be a discussion on what musical would be the favorite musical of our favorite ponies, the second half will be what the audience's favorite musicals say about them. Fair warning, you might get roasted if you like a bad musical!
The Pony Awards
What's Your Favorite Pony's Favorite Musical
Click for more info!
Host: Storm Chaser
Before You Play 'The Pony Puzzle': Essence 20 Overview
friday @ 1:30 PM-2:00 PM (30 minutes)
Room: Horsefeld Theatre (Cumberland L)
Are you playing in Saturday's 'World's Collide Part 2: The Pony Puzzle?' but never played in a tabletop RPG, let alone an EPIC event? Fear not, we are here to answer all your burning questions, from a brief overview on Essence 20, how to read character sheets, and what to expect at Saturday's event!
The Pony Awards
Before You Play 'The Pony Puzzle': Essence 20 Overview
Click for more info!
Host: The Nameless One
Creator Roundup: Harmony Con Edition!
friday @ 2:15 PM-4:15 PM (120 minutes)
Room: Horsefeld Theatre (Cumberland L)
Ever wanted to know what made your favorite creators decide to do what they do? Ever wondered how they make the things that you love from them? Well wonder no more! Join the Nameless as he interviews some of your favorite creators in a con only version of his Creator Roundup podcast!
The Pony Awards
Creator Roundup: Harmony Con Edition!
Click for more info!
Host: Bpendragon
Iyashikei and MLP: Slice of Life and Healing
friday @ 4:30 PM-5:30 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Horsefeld Theatre (Cumberland L)
Fans have stated for years that MLP:FiM has helped them heal and get through tough times. Here we aim to dissect some of the tropes that make that possible, and compare them to the popular Japanese media sub-genre known as Iyashikei.
The Pony Awards
Iyashikei and MLP: Slice of Life and Healing
Click for more info!
Host: Kariana Keyes
Getting Creative with Pony Cosplay!
friday @ 5:45 PM-6:45 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Horsefeld Theatre (Cumberland L)
Interested in dipping your hooves into the cosplay side of the pony community? There are so many ideas and possibilities out there for so many different characters this series has brought us!
The Pony Awards
Getting Creative with Pony Cosplay!
Click for more info!
Host: Lightning Bliss
Don't Be a Loppy!
friday @ 7:00 PM-8:30 PM (90 minutes)
Room: Horsefeld Theatre (Cumberland L)
Learn about Online Social Etiquette by watching the displays and interactions between a Draconaquus named "Loppy" and Lightning Bliss
The Pony Awards
Don't Be a Loppy!
Click for more info!
Host: GatorGoatJohnny
The Stage Coach
friday @ 8:45 PM-9:45 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Horsefeld Theatre (Cumberland L)
All of Equestria's a stage! Come check out how the set designers (erm, animators) packed so much information into each shot of "Friendship is Magic", and learn some of the tricks they used to perfectly design the scenes you know and love.
The Pony Awards
The Stage Coach
Click for more info!
Host: Banquo0
Small-Time Horse Youtubers
friday @ 10:15 PM-11:15 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Horsefeld Theatre (Cumberland L)
What do Ponies and these Youtube channels have in common? They're all small! Making My Little Pony content comes with its own challenges and hurdles along the way. If you've ever wondered how to get started yourself or want to commiserate with fellow content creators, come join us for this Q&A session with some of the fandom's small-time Brony Youtubers!
The Pony Awards
Small-Time Horse Youtubers
Click for more info!
Host: EzeBird
Magic of Friendship Open Mic
friday @ 11:30 PM-1:00 AM (90 minutes)
Room: Horsefeld Theatre (Cumberland L)
It's time to come together and share how this fandom has affected your life. Be ready to laugh and cry as we tell our story!
The Pony Awards
Magic of Friendship Open Mic
Click for more info!
Graumare's Chineighs Theatre
Host: Fuzzy
Fanfiction Writing Workshop
friday @ 12:45 PM-1:45 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Graumare's Chineighs Theatre (Cumberland GH)
Are you a novice fanfic writer with questions? Or an experienced author with advice to impart? Do you just need a name for your OC? This is a friendly, informal discussion panel for fanfic writers of all levels to come together to talk shop, share tips, and work on problems unique to horse words.
The Pony Awards
Fanfiction Writing Workshop
Click for more info!
Host: fannytastical
Perler Bead Workshop
friday @ 2:00 PM-4:00 PM (120 minutes)
Room: Graumare's Chineighs Theatre (Cumberland GH)
Make your own Perler bead creations of HarmonyCon's iconic pony duo! All ages welcome!
The Pony Awards
Perler Bead Workshop
Click for more info!
Host: Nevaylin
Meet the Community Guests
friday @ 4:30 PM-5:30 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Graumare's Chineighs Theatre (Cumberland GH)
Come meet the talented community guests of HarmonyCon 2025!
The Pony Awards
Meet the Community Guests
Click for more info!
Host: Pony for Hire
How to make Furrends @ cons
friday @ 5:45 PM-6:45 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Graumare's Chineighs Theatre (Cumberland GH)
Cons are a magical place where people can let loose and have fun. Make the magic last all year long with this hybrid style panel to teach you how to make friends, and a meet and greet to get started right away!
The Pony Awards
How to make Furrends @ cons
Click for more info!
Host: Oomles
Color-A-Critter Club
friday @ 7:00 PM-8:00 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Graumare's Chineighs Theatre (Cumberland GH)
In this relaxing, casual, and fun panel, create one-of-a-kind art with the power of a button press, some markers, and your imagination! Here, you'll be able to choose from dozens of blank pieces of art to color in. Once you're done creating your masterpiece, transform it into a piece of wearable art to bring home! Whether you're a coloring book pro or haven't touched a marker since childhood, everyone is welcome in the Color-a-Critter Club. Join us today!
The Pony Awards
Color-A-Critter Club
Click for more info!
Host: TaylorBMcardle
Glimmer Gang Appreciation Meetup
friday @ 8:15 PM-8:45 PM (30 minutes)
Room: Graumare's Chineighs Theatre (Cumberland GH)
Calling all members of the Glimmer Gang! Join us as we discuss, talk about, and share your favorite moments about a pony that once was a villain, but is now be considered a fandom favorite by many...well mostly. And that being Starlight Glimmer.
The Pony Awards
Glimmer Gang Appreciation Meetup
Click for more info!
Host: Fuzzy
The Blind Brainstorm - Creating OC's Edition!
friday @ 9:00 PM-10:30 PM (90 minutes)
Room: Graumare's Chineighs Theatre (Cumberland GH)
Last year we had you all create barmy stories in teams that didn't know what each other was thinking. This year it's the turn of characters! Come and learn how to concept and design OCs FOR a story, with Fuzzy of Murky Number Seven giving writing advice, as well as hosting the titular Blind Brainstorm where teams will design an OC... without knowing what each other are planning to add!
The Pony Awards
The Blind Brainstorm - Creating OC's Edition!
Click for more info!
Host: Railershy
Cards Against Equestria for Charity (+18)
friday @ 10:45 PM-12:15 AM (90 minutes)
Room: Graumare's Chineighs Theatre (Cumberland GH)
Bringing the fun down to the Dallas area, this is a game that encourages audience participation to raise money for the convention's charity. In order for a black card to be played, a donation to charity must be made. The host will also be MATCHING every dollar raised and rounded up to the next $5 mark. As an added incentive for the theater theme, if the black card the attendee got is read in a theatrical way, the host will throw in an additional $5 each time it's done.
The Pony Awards
Cards Against Equestria for Charity (+18)
Click for more info!
Host: HarmonyCon
Autographs for VAs
friday @ 3:30 PM-4:30 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Autograph Room
Autographs for VAs
The Pony Awards
Autographs for VAs
Click for more info!
Host: HarmonyCon
Vendor Hall
friday @ 11:00 AM-6:00 PM (420 minutes)
Room: Vendor Hall
Shop for all your favorite pony merchandise!
The Pony Awards
Vendor Hall
Click for more info!
Host: Eliwood Sain
Stardew Valley Co-Op
friday @ 12:00 PM-2:00 PM (120 minutes)
Room: Videogames
Hang out with your friends and build up a countryside farm together *Game available whenever computers are free
The Pony Awards
Stardew Valley Co-Op
Click for more info!
Host: Winds Requiem
Street Fighter 5
friday @ 4:00 PM-5:00 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Videogames
A traditional 2d fighter, one on one with your favorite Street Fighter Characters!
The Pony Awards
Street Fighter 5
Click for more info!
Host: Undead_Rattler
Getting Over It Race
friday @ 6:00 PM-7:30 PM (90 minutes)
Room: Videogames
Climb in your Cauldrons and speed up the mountain! First one to make it to a predetermined point or be the furthest along at the end of an hour wins!
The Pony Awards
Getting Over It Race
Click for more info!
Host: VideoGame Team
friday @ 9:00 PM-10:30 PM (90 minutes)
Room: Videogames
Enjoy a Quake 3 Clone and have some run'n'gun fun in a classic boomer-shooter *Content Warning
The Pony Awards
Click for more info!
Host: Winds Requiem
Mario Kart 8
friday @ 1:00 PM-3:45 PM (165 minutes)
Room: Videogames*
Race across different realms within different Nintendo Games Univurses, playing as and against your favorite Nintendo characters!
🏎️ CHALLONGE BRACKET (w/PRIZE for winner!)🏎️
The Pony Awards
Mario Kart 8
Click for more info!
Host: Winds Requiem
friday @ 10:00 PM-11:30 PM (90 minutes)
Room: Videogames*
The N64 Classic! A multiplayer FPS fun time on 4 player split screen!
The Pony Awards
Click for more info!
Host: Undead_Rattler
Lasers and Feelings
friday @ 12:00 PM-1:30 PM (90 minutes)
Room: Tabletop
Take the helm as Captain Darcy is incapacitated! A quick silly space RPG
The Pony Awards
Lasers and Feelings
Click for more info!
Host: Undead_Rattler
Pathfinder 2E Beginner Box
friday @ 2:00 PM-3:00 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Tabletop
A good length roleplaying adventure that introduces and teaches the mechanics of Pathfinder 2nd Edition
The Pony Awards
Pathfinder 2E Beginner Box
Click for more info!
Host: Winds Requiem, Cinder Smith
Quest for Harmony #3 - Siege of the Crystal Empire
friday @ 6:00 PM-9:00 PM (180 minutes)
Room: Tabletop
D&D 5e one shot! Play as the Mane 6, Shining Armor or Cadence and retake the Crystal Empire from the evil Darkness that has consumed it! Are you up to this task? Can you free the kingdom from darkness?
The Pony Awards
Quest for Harmony #3 - Siege of the Crystal Empire
Click for more info!
Host: Undead_Rattler
Keep Calm and Kill the Princess
friday @ 9:15 PM-10:15 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Tabletop
Among Us, tabletop edition! Someponies want to off one of the princesses; Other ponies want to keep her safe. Fast Paced and lots of note passing make this game hectic and fun!
The Pony Awards
Keep Calm and Kill the Princess
Click for more info!
Host: Eliwood Sain
Maid RPG
friday @ 12:00 AM-2:00 AM (120 minutes)
Room: Tabletop
(18+) Inspired by ALL the anime tropes, become maids in service of a master/mistress in their mansion and let the hilarity ensue
The Pony Awards
Maid RPG
Click for more info!
Host: Eliwood Sain
Tails of Equestria
friday @ 2:45 PM-4:30 PM (105 minutes)
Room: Tabletop*
Make your own foal in this family-friendly RPG set in the world of Gen 4 MLP
The Pony Awards
Tails of Equestria
Click for more info!
Host: Eliwood Sain
Root RPG
friday @ 7:00 PM-9:00 PM (120 minutes)
Room: Tabletop*
Caught in the middle of a woodland war, you are a group of animal outcasts who band together to protect the denizens from threatening armies
The Pony Awards
Root RPG
Click for more info!
Host: Eliwood Sain
Blades in the Dark
friday @ 9:30 PM-10:30 PM (60 minutes)
Room: Tabletop*
(18+) Go on a heist in a world where the sun went dim and the only thing protecting the city from horrific beings outside it is an electric barrier powered by demon whale blood.
The Pony Awards
Blades in the Dark
Click for more info!
Host: Undead_Rattler
Mothership RPG
friday @ 12:00 AM-2:00 AM (120 minutes)
Room: Tabletop*
Need a nightmare? Like cosmic horror? Come wander through a scary space and lose your life to save your friends. PG-13 rating
The Pony Awards
Mothership RPG
Click for more info!